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Tweets of note!

Yellowstone Season 4


VO Feedback! 

Bob Bergen : VO Actor (Porky Pig) and VO Coach


“Superb performance! Really great choices. You have an Edie Mcklurg-ness about you. Just a bubbly air head, she has a very important government job but also has a bubbly wonderful mom-ness about her that you totally found.

Good work, great comedic timing. You’ve got a comedic background don’t you?"

“Yes” - Michelle

“Of course you do.” - Bob

“Yeah guys, there’s 2 things that no matter where you study, no matter how much you work, there are 2 things you’re born with that you can’t learn: pitch and timing.

You might got to improv classes — and say “hey I got timing I never knew this,” because you’re now applying it with technique. But you’re born with talent, guys. I firmly believe that painting, writing, acting, VO— that you’re born with it, and what classes do- is they give you the technique to repeat your skills at will, consistently. Good work kiddo.”

Ned Lott: Voice Director and Casting Director

Michelle! Terrific job - your voice was perfect as far as the cute factor. Your curious tone was great, overall- you were just Hilarious. Really funny yelling, pitch was perfect and you were sensitive where you needed to be.  You were naturally this character - it was so natural and real. Your little scream was spectacular— amazing, the animators would love that. 

Jennifer Trujillo : Disney Casting Director and Voice Director 


Well that was adorable, really cute voice you chose for her. Very cute— love the stretching sounds- great way to get into this character voice. Love the cute sounds— they go a long way, the animators love that stuff. Great work, really cute voice, very well done!

Pat Fraley: Voice Actor, Teacher and Producer

Michelle Campbell is wired for sound. Smart, connected as an actor, with smart choices and a range within her 20's-Something Core Voice and mind. She's fearless, by the way. Such a pleasure to guide someone on the way to a bright future. 

J. Barton Mitchell : Award Winning Sci-Fi Writer/Producer of Derelict Podcast and Bone Totem 


Continually blown away by how good you are and excited to finish this project and work on even cooler stuff together in the future. 

Dave Waite: Founder of Zookeeper, a creative studio focused on branded animation for clients like TBS, Fox Sports + NBC.

Michelle worked for us on several different occasions for us this year, in an industrial video, which she nailed despite being under the weather. She was a trooper and a total pro. She's also done voice-over work for us...she's smart, wildly inventive and can do amazing things with her voice. She's super fun to work with and great attitude. Highly recommended.


Though this film eventually downshifted into non-union and I dropped out, I was excited about this project! Cool that we got a Deadline article :) 

REVIEWS FOR "DOLORES" --The one-act production at the 2014 Hollywood Fringe Festival


"I am so happy I was able to see you in Dolores last night. You were fantastic! A really powerful performance. Congratulations on being chosen for Pick of the Fringe." Paul Langh, Producer

"You confirmed last night what I expected- you are an honest, sensitive, terrific actress. Really nice work. It was nice to see. Now go be a big star. You got what it takes." Thomas Calabro, Actor

"Oh Michelle you were wonderful. I couldn't take my eyes off you! So truthful and interesting and poignant." Ian Tucker, Acting Coach

"You were amazing, such a completely etched character. Play was excellent. Impressive work, very moving. I watched what you were doing even when you weren't talking and it was special. Seriously impressed." Amit Mehta, Director

"You were really good. Played that Italian girl just like the ones back east that I grew up with." Tony Defrancisco, Actor

"Serious, you were great. Loved the accent. You stole the show with your opening scene." Dave Waite, Creative Director


DANIEL ROSS, actor and voice over artist  (June 21, 2014)

certified reviewer
I’m an avid movie-goer. I enjoy big budget stage and musical productions, and generally approach my entertainment with the expectation that I’m going to be getting the most BANG for my buck at all times. I typically don’t seek out one act plays, but word on the street was buzzing about this one particular show at the Asylum Lab Theater, so I was compelled to give it a try- and I’m very glad I did.

The material in this lively, yet dark story written by Edward Allan Baker was elevated by the performances and interpretation of the script which had me intrigued and invested from beginning to end. Director Jeneffa Soldatic coaxed such nuanced performances out of her actors, which gave my mind no time to wander away from the situation at hand. Two sisters, struggling with their own domestic issues, clash and bend as Dolores brings to light many dark aspects of relationships and society as it was a few decades ago. Michelle Campbell, playing the title role of Dolores was as natural on stage as any film actress, yet twice as good, and able to convey all of her character’s quirks with as much gusto as I would expect during a live show. I simply haven’t been as captivated or moved by a live performance such as hers in a long time. Leah Patterson, playing the more mature sister contrasts and compliments Michelle’s character perfectly. Her hard exterior gives way towards the underlying love these sisters have for each other while maintaining credibility under mired circumstances and history.

I truly felt like a fly on the wall during the show, never once feeling like I was being “talked to” or “performed at” by actors. Much like getting lost in a good book or movie, I was delighted to find a gem at the Hollywood Fringe Festival like Dolores. For those that enjoy true escapism crafted with smart and vivid performances, it’s a must watch!


SEAN CANNON, director and writer (June 20, 2014)

certified reviewer
Watching DOLORES in the Asylum Lab Theatre, is a fitting venue for what is an intimate portrait into two sisters in crisis, one consciously, the other in subconscious. Its thin running time of forty-five minutes, betrays a bulk of content being digested, from start to finish. In the opening minute, we’re thrust right into the crux of the narrative, which doesn’t let up until its bittersweet conclusion.

Both LEAH PATTERSON, and MICHELLE CAMPBELL, provide ample range, and depth to these characters. Commanding a stage for the entire duration, the play hinges not on the narrative, but the characters being portrayed. In lesser hands, this content could have easily been derailed, however, both Leah and Michelle inhabit a believable Meisner-like method in this madness.

Director JENEFFA SOLDATIC deserves praise for hitting the right beats, at the right time. The sisters’ moments of silence, are quite striking, for instance, when folding bedsheets, coming together when they are (emotionally) coming together. It’s little touches like these, seen and unseen, that elevate this more from a great actors’ piece, into a realistic window of a dysfunctional family.

But are they dysfunctional? By the end, these sisters’ roles have nearly reversed, until the final revelation. It shows how similar they really are, deep down, and how small choices in our lives, ripple into our grander futures. Whether or not “we all form the basis of our futures when we’re nine-to-twelve”, as the script says, it’s that small window of time- the small choices we consciously, and subconsciously make- that have both great, or in this case, grave consequences, in our futures. DOLORES is a thoroughly enjoyable production, with strong female characters that feel real, act real, and should be commended to all those involved


These reviews can be found here: tab=reviews

DOLORES was selected for the 2014 PICK OF THE FRINGE AWARD. It was chosen as one of 20 out of 290 shows. This was the first year that the HOLLYWOOD FRINGE FESTIVAL put on the award. In Edinburgh, Scotland— the birthplace of the original and largest FRINGE FESTIVAL, the PICK OF THE FRINGE AWARD is a huge honor.

"Shock Value" (2013) REVIEWS

Want to See An Absolutely Amazing Flick? Look Into ‘Shock Value’ (Review) by Matt Molgaard

Directed by: Douglas Rath

Cast: Zak Hudson, Anthony Bravo, Janelle Odair, Michelle Campbell

Kudos go out to a spirited cast for showing up and dedicating everything they’ve got to a small but promising production. I can’t imagine a scenario in which Nick, the serial killer of the story, is better cast. Bravo was born to play this role. He has it absolutely mastered. Every tick. Every movement and line. It’s creepy... seriously creepy. And that’s one of the driving forces behind the picture’s success. Malcolm McDowell is pitch perfect as the frighteningly unstable Edmund Dean Huntley. Michelle Campbell is loveable enough to take home and introduce to the parents. They’re great, and they’re instrumental here. The truth is, this film is so convincing I found myself wondering why I haven’t seen a few of these performers in major motion pictures. They’re prepared – right now – to make a massive leap in the industry, if they chose to, and are fortunate enough to be given the opportunity. Anthony Bravo can cut it. Michelle Campbell can cut it. Zak Hudson can cut it. That’s crazy. This is a little team of low key masters in a novice sector in cinema’s expanses. They must escape, for the benefit of fans and their financial longevity and prosperity. They deserve it, just as this movie deserves heavy praise.

For full review: see-an-absolutely-amazing-flick-look-into-shock-value-review/



“To be honest, Shock Value is one of the best genre films of 2014. When compared to other stand out indie films exclusively, it might be the very best.”

For full review on Director, DOUG RATH, go here: douglas-rath-talks-shock-value/


Score of 90%

"Each actor plays an exaggerated personality type, yet no one does so with an exaggerated performance. This “easy does it” style of subtlety keeps “Shock Value” cooking on a steady simmer of oddly fascinating absurdity and unsettlingly moody weirdness.

For a handful of unknowns with barely a half-dozen feature acting credits between them, their performances perfectly pace a precise line between both tones, and that gives “Shock Value” its uniquely appealing atmosphere. Michelle Campbell is similarly reserved as Miles’ mousey producer Justine. Like most things about “Shock Value,” the surface of her character initially suggests predictable stereotyping. Also like most things about “Shock Value,” Campbell then goes on a detour away from the obvious by wisely understating what she does with her part, remaining quietly passive, but always visibly engaged in her scenes.


* SHOCK VALUE is a candidate for TOP 10 HORROR FILMS OF 2014


For full review go here:


"Additionally, Michelle Campbell as Justine was the character that I have begun to refer to as the "Honey Stand-in." She was the one that I totally identified with each step of the way, for reasons that I will leave to YOU to discover when you watch the film. I also always appreciate the actor that is saddled with the role of moral center. It's not easy play that role, but Campbell does it exceptionally well and remains likable throughout."

For full review, go here: actors.html

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